下村阳子,弘田佳孝 -《Faerie's Theme》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 下村阳子,弘田佳孝
Chord G Key 100 hits

CHANGMO,365LIT,ZENE THE ZILLA,Chamane,Paul Blanco,댐데프,金孝恩,northfacegawd -《Swoosh Flow Remix (Feat. 365lit, ZENE THE ZILLA, Chamane, Paul Blanco, Damndef, 김효은 & Northfacegawd)》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: CHANGMO,365LIT,ZENE THE ZILLA,Chamane,Paul Blanco,댐데프,金孝恩,northfacegawd
Chord E Key 107 hits

山田耕治,高梨康治,有馬孝哲 -《電撃的に侵攻せよ!》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 山田耕治,高梨康治,有馬孝哲
Chord G Key 106 hits

Chaboom,Ignito,DON MALIK (던말릭),EK,金孝恩,Chillin Homie,Black Nine,멧돼지 -《Shocking Asia (Feat. Don Malik, EK, 김효은, Chillin homie, 블랙나인, 멧돼지)》 (Chord Falling CSharp Key)
Artist: Chaboom,Ignito,DON MALIK (던말릭),EK,金孝恩,Chillin Homie,Black Nine,멧돼지
Chord CSharp Key 105 hits

Skinny Brown,TOIL,Jayci yucca (제이씨 유카),金孝恩 -《Don't Flex on me (Feat. jayci yucca, 김효은)》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: Skinny Brown,TOIL,Jayci yucca (제이씨 유카),金孝恩
Chord Ab Key 104 hits

緑川光,檜山修之,河內孝博 -《本能寺が変(後編)》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: 緑川光,檜山修之,河內孝博
Chord B Key 104 hits

緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏 -《モノローグ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏
Chord G Key 104 hits

緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏 -《キャストトーク》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏
Chord D Key 104 hits

緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏 -《実感させて》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 緑川光,谷山纪章,櫻井孝宏
Chord C Key 104 hits

블랙쉽,DON MALIK (던말릭),金孝恩 -《Make it Move》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 블랙쉽,DON MALIK (던말릭),金孝恩
Chord A Key 103 hits

Nude Voice (Kohei&Chika),瀬木 貴将,南 佳孝,Pecker -《リフレクション/「ムーラン」より》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: Nude Voice (Kohei&Chika),瀬木 貴将,南 佳孝,Pecker
Chord A Key 101 hits

C;ON,入江純,古池孝浩,ReoNa,seina. -《垂涎の的》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: C;ON,入江純,古池孝浩,ReoNa,seina.
Chord A Key 111 hits

张伟文,吕珊,苏珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,张武孝 -《Yummi Cha Cha》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 张伟文,吕珊,苏珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,张武孝
Chord G Key 108 hits

张伟文,吕珊,苏珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,张武孝 -《同庆贺》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 张伟文,吕珊,苏珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,张武孝
Chord F Key 107 hits

张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝 -《明星之歌》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝
Chord D Key 107 hits

张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝 -《抛浪头》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝
Chord C Key 107 hits

张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝 -《齐欢唱》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 张伟文,吕珊,胡美仪,卢海鹏,苏姗,张武孝
Chord F Key 107 hits

成始璄,李秀英,李承哲,WAX,M.C the Max,金亨中,적우,李银美,朴孝信,仁顺伊,朴相民,神话,金范洙,朴美京,李在勋,全仁权 -《White Christmas Remix Dance ver.2》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 成始璄,李秀英,李承哲,WAX,M.C the Max,金亨中,적우,李银美,朴孝信,仁顺伊,朴相民,神话,金范洙,朴美京,李在勋,全仁权
Chord D Key 112 hits

刘恺威,马苏,张晓龙,潘辰,连淮伟,陈若轩,张紫宁,汪睿,邓孝慈,白小白,宇喆Woocheol,普普,白川 -《此生遇见》 (Chord Falling Eb Key)
Artist: 刘恺威,马苏,张晓龙,潘辰,连淮伟,陈若轩,张紫宁,汪睿,邓孝慈,白小白,宇喆Woocheol,普普,白川
Chord Eb Key 107 hits

松岡禎丞,茅野愛衣,中津真莉子,高森奈津美,櫻井孝宏,堀江由衣 -《キャストトーク》 (Chord Falling B Key)