7!! -《ブランコ》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord D Key 109 hits
7!! -《眠れない夜に》 (Chord Falling Eb Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Eb Key 109 hits
7!! -《サンライト》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord C Key 109 hits
7!! -《さよならメモリー》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Ab Key 109 hits
7!! -《バイバイ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 108 hits
7!! -《愛のしるし》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Ab Key 108 hits
7!! -《恋のレシピ》 (Chord Falling FSharp Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord FSharp Key 108 hits
7!! -《オレンジ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 108 hits
7!! -《Please Please》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord F Key 108 hits
7!! -《スノーマン》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 108 hits
7!! -《汚れたスニーカー》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Ab Key 108 hits
7!! -《FLY》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord D Key 108 hits
Lil-7 -《7》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: Lil-7
Chord B Key 108 hits
7!! -《スタートライン》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord A Key 107 hits
7!! -《オレンジ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 107 hits
7!! -《横顔》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord D Key 107 hits
7!! -《きみがいるなら》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord E Key 107 hits
7!! -《メロディ・メーカー》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord F Key 107 hits
7!! -《ノスタルジア~ReReハロ~》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord E Key 106 hits
7!! -《君だけのストーリー》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 106 hits
7!! -《アオイハナビラ》 (Chord Falling Eb Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Eb Key 106 hits
7!! -《HARU》 (Chord Falling Bb Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Bb Key 106 hits
7!! -《セツナエモーション》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord Ab Key 106 hits
7!! -《花びら》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord F Key 106 hits
7!! -《弱虫さん》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord D Key 106 hits
7!! -《センチメートル》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord A Key 106 hits
The New Power Generation,Prince -《7》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: The New Power Generation,Prince
Chord A Key 106 hits
7!! -《オレンジ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 106 hits
7!! -《オレンジ》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 7!!
Chord G Key 106 hits
张星特,十七草,田颖 -《7%》 (Chord Falling F Key)