Megalovania Guitar -《BGL R Hampton》 (Multi Falling C Key)
Artist: Megalovania Guitar
Multi C Key 30 hits

Megaromania -《Quintessence Voyage》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord D Key 106 hits

Megaromania -《AURORA -destinies of world-》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord A Key 104 hits

Megaromania -《Idea》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord F Key 104 hits

Megaromania -《Raincarnation ~rin'ne kisou~》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord E Key 104 hits

Megaromania -《Reincarnation-轮廻季想-(Re:Birth of Creation)》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord E Key 104 hits

Megaromania -《Oath-cross of eternity-》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord A Key 103 hits

Megaromania -《Distinctive territory》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord C Key 103 hits

Megaromania -《Heaven's Novel》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord D Key 103 hits

Megaromania -《Birth... ~prelude~》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Chord E Key 102 hits

Megaromania -《Aurora -Destinies Of World-》 (Tab Falling C Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Tab C Key 9 hits

Megaromania -《Hallucination》 (Tab Falling C Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Tab C Key 7 hits

Megaromania -《Quintessance Voyage》 (Tab Falling C Key)
Artist: Megaromania
Tab C Key 5 hits

Megaromania -《Gate of the Prophet (incomplete ver)》 (Multi Falling C Key)