龚玥 -《二泉映月》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord A Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《我爱祖国的大草原》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Ab Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《寸草春晖》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord C Key 102 hits
![The Redleetion of the Moon 水清見月_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/20230421/28acdeb3b37b40a895a33a139542bfcf.jpg?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《The Redleetion of the Moon 水清見月》 (Chord Falling Bb Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Bb Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《我的衣食父母》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord B Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《祝福》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord B Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《孝敬父母》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord D Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《风雨无阻》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord F Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《母亲》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord A Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《伤心的所在(台语)》 (Chord Falling Eb Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Eb Key 102 hits
![摘下满天星(北京平四 银河交谊舞曲网)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_10.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《摘下满天星(北京平四 银河交谊舞曲网)》 (Chord Falling Bb Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Bb Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《人间第一情》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Ab Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《回娘家》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Ab Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《祝酒歌》 (Chord Falling A Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord A Key 102 hits
![爱情海 (广场舞)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_10.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《爱情海 (广场舞)》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord B Key 102 hits
![梦里水乡 (广场舞)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_9.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《梦里水乡 (广场舞)》 (Chord Falling D Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord D Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《走西口》 (Chord Falling CSharp Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord CSharp Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《你若盛开》 (Chord Falling Eb Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Eb Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《纳西情歌+北江美》 (Chord Falling CSharp Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord CSharp Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《同桌的你》 (Chord Falling G Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord G Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《莫愁啊莫愁》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord C Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《【幽香舞曲制作】溜溜的姑娘像朵花[并四]》 (Chord Falling B Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord B Key 102 hits
![13(衡阳伦巴 湘女多情)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_9.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《13(衡阳伦巴 湘女多情)》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord E Key 102 hits
![拜年 - Tg 探戈 喜庆舞曲_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_6.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《拜年 - Tg 探戈 喜庆舞曲》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord C Key 102 hits
![告白气球 (温柔版)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_1.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《告白气球 (温柔版)》 (Chord Falling C Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord C Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《天下第一情》 (Chord Falling Ab Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Ab Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《爱拼才会赢98bpm》 (Chord Falling F Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord F Key 102 hits
![龚玥 - 大地飞歌(快四)XL_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_1.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《龚玥 - 大地飞歌(快四)XL》 (Chord Falling Bb Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord Bb Key 102 hits
龚玥 -《桃花运》 (Chord Falling E Key)
Artist: 龚玥
Chord E Key 102 hits
![迎宾曲(qzmp3st 51683 交谊舞曲 中四)_龚玥](https://i.insstudy.com/file/gtp/screenshot/default_2.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cl_200)
龚玥 -《迎宾曲(qzmp3st 51683 交谊舞曲 中四)》 (Chord Falling Bb Key)